COVID-19 – Feature Favourites

COVID-19 – Feature Favourites

January 7, 2021



Some of our features that have proven popular during the COVID 19 crisis are listed below:

1. Medical Screen as a database: is very user friendly and can be used to track, generate statistics and report on, your students’ and staff temperature, under lying conditions and other medical indicators which you should monitor when your school resumes in-person classroom while still dealing with COVID-19;
2. Online Registration: for incoming students;
3. Telegram: now integrated with Renweb is a student and parent messaging and communication tool;
RenWeb Learning Management System (LMS): online quizzes, assignments, homework, lesson plans and much more;
4. Google Classroom: integration;
5. Schoology LMS: integration;
6. Zoom integration-coming soon
8. Cloud Based Solution: which allows administrators, teachers and students to be functional while on or off campus (also school services can still be executed and statistics uploaded to the Ministry as required for reporting purposes); and
9. Online Payment Solution: enabling the online collection of school fees and other charges, with instant reconciliation to the schools’ and students’ accounts.
10. LASCO Financial, “Moneygram” In branch school fee payments
11. Grade 9 student online course selection-allows students to select their courses and submit them online for approval.
12. Transcript– uploading of your school’s historic date for the transcript


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